Well it's been a couple weeks since I've been home, and I think the stem cells are starting to work. I've only had a few muscle spasms, as opposed to multiple ones a day, and I've definitely had a lot more energy. The first couple of days home, I was very tired from the travel, but I felt much better after that. I know the doctors say it can take up to 6 months to feel the full effects of the treatments. I'm really excited to see what each and every day brings.
I am sad to report that Nick has not been doing well since I've been home. He had an infected pilonidal cyst that had to be removed by a general surgeon. The poor guy has a pretty big wound that has to be packed several times a day. Good thing I have more energy than I used to so I can take good care of him. His recovery has been about a week so far, and the doctor predicts it will be another week before he can return to work.
So I haven't decided for sure, but I have been thinking that maybe I might look into working part-time. It really is difficult since I never know how I'm going to be feeling, but I think something part-time would be ok. Maybe the stem cells will continue to kick in and then I will be feeling like my old self again. I will keep everyone posted on the job situation as it unfolds...
Heather... I am so happy to hear you are starting to feel better. I offer my prayers that the positive keeps coming your way. Hope Nick gets to feeling better soon! BTW - your profile pic on this site is absolutely gorgeous!!!